Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sometimes I Feel Very Old

Do you ever get those days when you long for the "good old days"? Even though I'm not that old, I sometimes think back to when I was a youngster and the simple things that children did.

Do you remember when, as children, summer was a time for just having fun with family and friends? Riding bicycles, chasing butterflies, sports at home, hunting for pretty flowers to take home and use on the dining table, playing under the ice cold fire hydrant (for those raised in cities) swimming in the lake or flopping around in shallow streams, reading a good book under a shady tree or on the front/back porch, spending a fun day at the ocean? The sounds of children laughing and having fun could be heard everywhere.

These days, in my little suburban block, the only sounds of children are the voices of my own little ones. Where are all the other children? I know they are alive in this community (I see them every morning during the school year), but are they all on vacation? Are they all gone to the beach ..... everyday, for the entire day? A sad thought comes to mind that most of these children are locked in their homes playing with their electronic games and their computers. The saddest thought is that with the release of "predators" into family neighborhoods, parents are fearful of letting their little ones (and not so little ones) out of their sight. It is a sad thing when children can not be children anymore, but must be forced to let a good summer day pass by and stay inside with their electronics.

Do you remember when......?

Let me hear your thoughts. Please be kind with your words, if you don't have something kind to say, please don't post. Consider this a family friendly blog and little ones might like to send their thoughts as well as their parents. God bless you.

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